Radio Peduli 96.9 FM


About Radio Peduli 96.9 FM

Radio Peduli 96.9 FM, situated in Indonesia, provides a comprehensive range of content for a large audience. The station is well-known for its news broadcasts, which provide listeners with the most recent information on local, national, and international happenings. In addition to news, Radio Peduli airs a range of programs, including entertainment, cultural pieces, and chat shows. These programs frequently address community issues, offer helpful advice, and promote local events. The station’s engaging content makes it a popular choice for individuals looking for a blend of instructive and fun radio shows, establishing a connection with listeners all around Indonesia.

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Language: Bahasa Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Contact Number: +6242128110

Address: Jl. Panorama No.3, Ujung Bulu, Kec. Ujung, Kota Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan 91111